September Weekends

Photo: Hotel Tresanton

September always feels more like New Year to me than January 1st – which frankly just feels like mid gloom and getting gloomier. It is all about sharp pencils, resolutions for the year and the other thing is that September is really such a lovely month, rather like May. It is an excellent month for long weekends away – I know we are meant to be getting down to it, but actually the south of France is perfect right now, the water is warm and the hordes have left to get their horrible spoilt children back to school! There is this fabulous last chance-ness about September. The Amalfi coast is also, uurgh, å point!

These places feel more like they did in the 30’s because there are just so far fewer people – it makes it all feel far more luxurious, especially when you know everyone else is back at work. The other thing is that this month it is more about trips than holidays, it is that scooting off for a few days to catch the last rays of summer. Cities are more fun to be in than they are in August, they are a little cooler and they have the right energy because everyone is back and working and the shops are open and there isn’t that deserted feeling that European cities always have – except for those left – people slightly peeved that they aren’t eating fresh peaches and sun ripened tomatoes on a terrace somewhere else.

My choices for this September are: